Welcome to our "Emergency Fleet Tracking"
Explore valuable features of our app that are suitable for your business.
- FAmbulance Tracking
- Live tracking
We have been providing live tracking of ambulances state-wide, case wise validation and billing over a decade. Ambulances travel to rural areas and districts. More than 99% uptime of the system and trackers on the road on a daily basis is achieved in multiple states.
Dialer gets an instant SMS of the ambulance assigned, driver contact and live location link to guide the ambulance to the patient as quickly as possible. Location of the patient is often unknown and to reach the exact location is a major challenge which is now overcome with the SMS alert.

We realized instant benefits upon deployment of their tracking products, 24 X 7 online access to their system, customized dashboard and reports and mobile application. They were very prompt in deploying products and consistently maintained our SLAs (between 95% and 100%) uptime on a daily basis….. We are very pleased with Glovision’s service levels and partnering with us in delivering prestigious state-wide turn-key projects

- Emergency Fleet Tracking
- Workforce Tracking
- Tele Health & Consultation